Corporate & Workplace Yoga

Many companies, big and small, are discovering that a happy, healthy staff is a more productive staff. Offering yoga to your employees can help individuals manage stress, ease away tension, alleviate chronic pain and fatigue and set in motion skills needed for a healthy lifestyle. When your team is feeling better as a result of yoga and meditation, your business will be better. You may experience, lower turnover rate, less sick days called in and a group of people that simply, works better together. The benefits of yoga are many so why not give, Yoga Care a try. It’s a low cost investment with a high reward.

Conference & Business Retreat Yoga

Learning new things, meeting new people and getting a fresh perspective are great ways to motivate your bright staff. Add yoga into the mix, and now the body and mind has a way to integrate these new experiences. We all need breaks and time to slow down. Yoga Care will blend perfectly into a conference or retreat setting. We can cater the class to the room, the theme of the conference and whether we focus more on meditation or yoga. Help your staff get the most out of their conference or retreat experience.

What You Will Need

You don’t really need much to do yoga. A chair and enough space to spread out the arms is a perfect place to start. If you have room available where chairs and tables can be pushed to the sides, you can invite your staff to bring their own yoga mat or you can purchase a few just in case someone forgets. Please let Yoga Care know if you need assistance in ordering yoga mats, we can point you in the right direction or put in an order for you.

How To Get Started

Interested in adding Yoga Care to your workplace benefits?
Yoga Care will customize a class that will best fit the needs of your company. We will take into consideration what you and your employees are looking for, the time you have for yoga and the space available. Our yoga teachers are all certified, insured and highly qualified instructors who specialize in delivering yoga classes to the individuals in front of them through modifications and an immense amount of empathy and compassion.

Fill out the form on the right and a Yoga Care representative will get back to you as soon as possible.

Woman doing crow yoga pose

Happy and healthy employees